Introduction to Text Ming Package (TM)

Introduction to Text Ming Package (TM)

In this article, we present to you the usual workflow of using text mining packages, i.e., TM and wordcloud, and the text mining framework. We will analyze the word frequencies from different text files and eventually create a nice word cloud out of the shared words across documents and visualize the distribution of the frequent words.

Import data

In this tutorial, we will be using works by Shakespeare. In order to have a better view of Corpus and word count matrix, we divide the original text file into three and you can download them from 1.txt, 2.txt and 3.txt.

Alternatively you can just run the following commands the download and store the files in a folder called data:
url <- ""
write(getURL(url), file = "1.txt")
url <- ""
write(getURL(url), file = "2.txt")
url <- ""
write(getURL(url), file = "3.txt")

Corpus the main structure that tm uses for storing and manipulating text documents. There are two types VCorpus (Volatile Corpus) and PCorpus (Permanent Corpus), the main difference between these two implementations is that the former holds the documents as R objects in memory whereas the latter deals with documents that are stored outside of R environment. There

When we are constructing our Corpus object, we need to provide a source and there are three types of such sources, DirSource, VectorSource and DataFrameSource. We will use DirSource the import the three text files that we just downloaded and using DirSource is the only way to import files from the user system.
## Loading required package: NLP
shakespeare <- VCorpus(DirSource("data", encoding = "UTF-8"))
## <>
## Metadata:  corpus specific: 0, document level (indexed): 0
## Content:  documents: 4
As we can see our Shakespeare corpus contains three documents. Just a side remark, if one wants to create an easy Corpus object, it is easy to do via VectorSrouce.
twoPhrases <- c("Phrase one ", "Phrase two")
simpleCorpus <- VCorpus(VectorSource(twoPhrases))
## <>
## Metadata:  corpus specific: 0, document level (indexed): 0
## Content:  documents: 2
If you want to export the your Corpus for to used by other tools. Simply use

which will output the documents to multiple files in the Corpus to the hard disk.

Corpus mainipulation

There are many methods we can use to play with Corpus. Each Corpus has its own meta data and each document in the Corpus also has one.
##   author       : character(0)
##   datetimestamp: 2016-04-25 13:39:24
##   description  : character(0)
##   heading      : character(0)
##   id           : 1.txt
##   language     : en
##   origin       : character(0)
One can see the document content and get an overview of one Corpus using

There are also other useful methods available such as tmUpdate() which checks the new files that do not exist yet and add those in and inspect() which gives a more detailed overview than summary().

Cleaning data

We now want to transform the data we have before we actually conduct out analysis. Some classical method for cleaning are removing unnecessary white space, stemming and stop words removal and conversion to lower or upper case. For the ones don't know, stop words removal is to eliminate some common words that have little value in the analysis e.g. the and be. Stem mining is to reduce derived words to their root form such as making says, said into say because they essentially have the same meanings. We do the cleaning with the help of tm_map which applies a function across all the documents.
# Remove whitespace
shakespeare <- tm_map(shakespeare, stripWhitespace, lazy=TRUE)
# Stemming 
shakespeare <- tm_map(shakespeare, stemDocument, lazy=TRUE)
# Remove punctuation
shakespeare <- tm_map(shakespeare, removePunctuation, lazy=TRUE)
# Remove stopwords
tm_map(shakespeare, content_transformer(removeWords), stopwords("the"), lazy=TRUE)
## <>
## Metadata:  corpus specific: 0, document level (indexed): 0
## Content:  documents: 4
# Case conversion
tm_map(shakespeare, content_transformer(tolower), lazy = TRUE)
## <>
## Metadata:  corpus specific: 0, document level (indexed): 0
## Content:  documents: 4

I think tm package requires us to put lazy=TRUE explicitly, otherwise we will get all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code` warning.

Term document matrix

Our data is now ready for analysis. Many algorithms operate on word frequency table and we call it term document matrix. This can easily be generated from the Corpus we have.
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(shakespeare)
Essentially the frequency of a word is a representation of its importance. We have see the terms that show up more than 25 times
highFreqTerms <- findFreqTerms(dtm, 25, Inf)
##    Length     Class      Mode 
##      4197 character character
We have around two thousand terms that appear at least 25 times and the top 10 terms are
##  [1] "19901993" "aaron"    "abat"     "abbess"   "abbey"    "abhor"   
##  [7] "abhorson" "abid"     "abil"     "abject"
We can also find the words that have a certain correlations with one word in the term document matrix. The correlation value is one if two words always appear together and it becomes zero if they never show up at the same time. We first want to see how many words have a correlation higher than 0.95 with the word love.
loves_assocs <- findAssocs(dtm, "love", 0.95)


Word Clound

A nice visualization on all the words that have frequency higher than 2500.
freq <- sort(colSums(as.matrix(dtm)),decreasing=TRUE)
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer
wordcloud(names(freq), freq, min.freq=2500, max.words = 100, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))

Word distribution

We now see the distribution of the 50 most frequent words in a barplot.
barplot(freq[1:50], xlab = "term", ylab = "frequency",  col=heat.colors(50))

Data source

W. Shakespeare, he Complete Works of William Shakespeare, (1994). Gutenberg EBook:


Feinerer, Ingo. 2015. “Introduction to the Tm Package Text Mining in R.” 2013-12-01]. Http://www, Dainf, Ct. Utfpr, Edu. Br/-Kaestner/Min-Eracao/RDataMining/tm, Pdf.

Meyer, David, Kurt Hornik, and Ingo Feinerer. 2008. “Text Mining Infrastructure in R.” Journal of Statistical Software 25 (5). American Statistical